May 4, 2024

Tyna Woods

Technology does the job

Exterior Home Remodeling Projects

Replacing Your Front Door

A warm and beautiful front door is appealing to the eyes and also to a home-renovator. This type of project is known to bring an average of a 100% return. For about $900 you can get a high-quality steel front door, giving your home curb appeal and increasing its value without breaking the bank! Be sure to hire an experienced door installer for the best results.

Repairing Your Garage Door

What’s the first thing you see when you drive down your street? If your garage door faces the front of the road and has dents or is just dull, old, and ugly, then it’s probably a good idea to call A1 Garage door repair Wichita, KS and repair it. Believe it or not, for around 1300 – 1500 dollars you can get a new garage door installed! Save money by utilizing the existing garage door motor and be sure to hire an experienced garage door repair company.

A Fresh Coat of Paint On Your House

Whether the exterior of your home is concrete, siding, or painted brick, the color and uniformity of the overall property make a huge first impression. This is a great time to think about repairing any cracks or holes and cleaning out any attached gutters as well. Always power washes old exteriors and uses a good quality primer. You can save money by painting yourself or by touching up any necessary problem spots with the existing house color.

For best results, an experienced painter could be contracted. You can paint yourself and save hundreds of dollars or hire a painter to get the job done. Either way, the average cost with labor for exterior painting of a 2000 square foot space is anywhere around 2100 to 3500 dollars. If you need to paint touch-ups, you can picture yourself for under $100 (depending on project size).

Project Recommendations

I always recommend customers to use the best building materials they can afford. Staying on budget is equally important to complete the job and aids you in being financially responsible in your remodeling or new construction project. Remember to set daily goals and work with a reasonable time frame.

How I Helped A Customer Save Hundreds On Painting

A customer once consulted us for a painting project on their home. They were trying to freshen up their house so that they could get it rented. In some areas of the home, the bottom three feet of the interior walls had been scuffed and looked messy. When I found out the owners wanted to re-paint their whole house the same color, I advised them to touch up the areas that needed to be repainted. The owners were worried that they would not be able to find the same color since they had no idea what paint name or finish was used.

I helped them cut out a small square of their existing painted wall and carefully peeled it out, leaving the drywall intact. I then re-textured and primed just that spot, so it could blend in seamlessly again once it was repainted. We took the cut out piece to  Williams and had them color match it using their computer. We were also able to get a matched finish.

Happy Customers

The result ended in two happy homeowners who were able to save money by painting only the essential areas as opposed to the entire house! This process can be used to save money on both interior and exterior painting. For exteriors, you may have to remove a small piece of siding and take it in to get color matched. For the best results, please use an experienced contractor.