Black Friday comes to theaters too! Movie gurus, film snobs, cinema celebrators — whatever you call them, chances are you know someone who would appreciate nothing more than free money they can use to sit in a theater and watch their film of choice (with or without company). In my film-snobby opinion, there’s no greater theater for this than Alamo Drafthouse, which is selling $50 gift cards at 25% off through Monday. This means you pay $37.50, but the giftee gets a $50 value to spend on movie tickets or food.
Alamo Drafthouse isn’t just any chain movie theater. It runs dinner and drink service during the movie, so you can eat popcorn while you watch… or sip a cocktail or nibble on a sandwich with fries instead. You may also know it for how seriously it takes film etiquette (i.e., theater phone call takers might get kicked out) and the movie-watching experience in general. Many major cities in the US have an Alamo theater, including New York, San Francisco, Austin, Boston, Chicago, Denver, Los Angeles, Charlottesville, Virginia and more. (If you’re an Alamo customer, it’s worth noting that the food and drink menu differs based on theater location or city.)
I was a loyal customer at the Alamo theater in Denver when I lived there and recently sought out the Brooklyn location. I’ve tried non-chain or more “indie” movie theaters with a similar concept (strict no-talking rules, bar vibe, cult movie showings), and Alamo continues to hold a candle with its variety of films and ambiance. In addition to new releases, the theater often plays older movies or has themed “watch party” showings.
Alamo’s gift card deal is available until 11:59 pm PT (2:59 a.m. ET) on Cyber Monday. The company says it’s valid for gift cars purchased at $50 or more, but the offer doesn’t apply to separate, smaller-value gift cards you combine.
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