February 14, 2025

Tyna Woods

Technology does the job

Bay District Schools hosting job fair to make up for educational vacancies

BAY COUNTY, Fla. (WJHG/WECP) – As teacher shortages around the nation continue, the effects can also be felt in Bay County. That’s why Bay District Schools is hosting a job fair to help fill the classrooms and other jobs around the district.

District Director Of Communications Sharon Michalik said there are more than 9,500 educational vacancies statewide. Locally, she said the district is advertising 64 instructional positions available as of Tuesday. This includes teachers, guidance counselors, and others on the instructional pay scale. Michalik said there are also 57 support employee positions available. That includes bus drivers, maintenance employees, and classroom paraprofessionals. Michalik said for the people who didn’t get a traditional teaching degree, this job fair can also help them get an alternative certification to teach.

“We will have our certification specialists on-staff here at the job fair, so people will be able to walk in and say, “I have a Bachelor’s Degree in accounting, I have a Bachelor’s Degree in Spanish, how do I make that into a teaching certification?” and we will be able to walk them through all the steps, interview, and hire on that day,” said Michalik.

Michalik said they typically hire 100 to 200 new teachers a year. This is taking into consideration current teachers who move, retire, or leave for other reasons.

The district is hosting the job fair next Thursday at the Nelson Building from 9 A.M. to 12 p.m.

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